Become your own wise woman.


Sister are you ready to embark on a journey of freedom?

I have and continue to be humbled and inspired by seeing how women have their own unique inner knowing of what is right and true for them. When you have nurturing environments around you, your inner essence is found. You move closer to yourself and see how beautiful and incredibly wise and strong you really are.

Are you ready to acknowledge your co-creative power in how your life unfolds? By taking radical self-responsibility and courageously diving into all aspects of yourself, find the infinite potential that you truly are and beam your authentic, whole self into our world!

Join me for your wild women, pregnancy, birth, postpartum & mothering journey out here in the wild! It is our divine right to be sovereign lets call it into being!

My story:

I am Caitlyn Collins. I have been a coach & birthkeeper since 2006, although my learning started years before that when I birthed my first child. Still before that, my learning began as a child growing up with an intimate relationship to the natural world. The natural world and my children continue to be my guide.

I am a mother of 3. My journey as a woman, a mother, a coach and a birthkeeper has led me to deeply meaningful and profound places within myself, with gratitude for times of joy and celebration and times of needing to go within and dig deep. I live my life in reverence of the life-death-life cycle and honor everything that lies between these sacred portals on both sides of the veil.

When I birthed my first son, I was fierce and wild in terms of being undisturbed and left alone, refusing all offers of what the medical system said I should engage in. For this, I thank my mother who wild mothered me and through her faith, lead me to have the deepest innate trust in my body and my body’s ability to thrive as well as in us humans being spiritual beings with free choice in each and every moment.

As a child I always said I would work with women and children and here I am passionately in service to all the cycles of womanhood, motherhood and true sisterhood. This being with women is important to me as I know that when we as women get closer to the wholness of who we are, we walk through the world in greater authenticity, shifting away from victim consciousness, gifting our unique medicine to our communities and the world needs this right now!